
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Why Teach English to Japanese Students, and Methods to Use

There are many reasons to teach English to Japanese students. The most important one is that the Japanese economy is increasingly globalized, expanding exports, imports, and foreign production. Many Japanese companies now do business with companies all over the world, and English is the language of international business. For this reason, there is a growing demand for English skills in the Japanese workplace. Japanese workers who are fluent in English will have a competitive advantage in the job market. Learning English can also enhance the student's personal development helping them to become more confident, independent, and open-minded.

A second reason is that not only is English a universal language of business but it is also the international language of science and technology. Researchers who want to communicate their latest findings to the scientific and technological communities globally publish their journals in English. People who are fluent in English have easy access to this information.

A third reason is that many popular movies, songs, and TV shows are in English. Someone who is fluent in English can easily enjoy these forms of entertainment without needing subtitles.

There are many teaching methods that are effective for Japanese students:

Direct Instruction: This method involves the teacher providing clear and concise instruction to the student.

Communicative Language Teaching: This method focuses on using English for communication. Many people in the teaching industry consider this method the best because it allows a student to practice using English in real-world situations.

Project-Based Learning (PBL): This method involves a student working on long-term projects that require them to use English, challenging them and allowing them to apply their knowledge in a real-world context.

Task-Based Learning (TBL): This method focuses on completing tasks using language, which motivates a student and allows them to use their creativity.

The best way to choose the right teaching method for a student is to consider their individual needs and learning styles. A young student may need direct instruction, while an older student may benefit more from communicative language teaching. Some students learn best by listening, while others learn best by reading/writing. Also, it’s a good idea to choose a teaching method that is relevant to the student’s interests- this will keep them motivated.

No matter what method you choose, it’s very important to be patient with the student and offer them encouragement, because learning a new language takes time and effort.

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