
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

TNA One Night Only- Hardcore Justice 2 Reaction

Hardcore Justice 2 is the latest edition of TNA's One Night Only series, which is presented on PPV every month that TNA does not have a major PPV event. Each edition of One Night Only is unique, with each one focusing on a specific theme. The first edition focused on TNA's exciting X Division. The second edition focused on tag-teams, with tag-team combinations never seen before. The latest edition focuses on hardcore wrestling, and in my opinion it's the best edition of One Night Only so far.

One reason is the price. One Night Only PPVs cost $19.95 (or $24.99 if you desire to watch them in HD). This edition of One Night Only was the latest three-hour Hardcore Justice PPV, and it costs about $25 less than last year's Hardcore Justice PPV. It's not a secret that the changes in PPV prices are occurring because the pro-wrestling industry is not making as much money from PPVs as it did many years ago. One Night Only shows have the potential to entice pro-wrestling fans to give a TNA PPV a try if they haven't done so previously ("Hey, it's only $19.95. If I like the show, maybe I'll order a major PPV in the future. And if I don't like it? No big loss"). And for fans who buy TNA PPVs regularly, $19.95 TNA PPVs make them feel like it's less expensive to be a fan of TNA, as opposed to WWE (with their cheapest PPV events costing $45).

Hardcore Justice 2 was intelligently booked, with the card not only featuring current stars of TNA (including Jeff Hardy, Team 3D, the Aces and 8s, Joseph Park, and Cowboy James Storm), but it also features stars from TNA's past (such as Brother Runt, Crowbar, Johnny Swinger, Gen Me, and Jackie Moore)to help appeal to longtime fans of TNA. Former WWE Superstar Bob Holly was also a part of this event, making the first TNA appearance of his career. The hardcore match element of this PPV is also a smart move, because it helps draw the attention of hardcore wrestling fans. There are many hardcore wrestling fans who only watch hardcore promotions such as BJW, but may be willing to give Hardcore Justice 2 a chance due to the fact that the hardcore style is featured.

Regarding the match quality of this event, TNA did not disappoint (my favorite match was the Jeff Hardy/Brother Runt-Bully Ray/Devon, "Tables" match). In general, I like what TNA brings to the table both creatively and in-ring, and in my opinion they are the best pro-wrestling product in the United States. Hardcore Justice 2 showed that TNA knows how to present the hardcore style the correct way. The key to utilizing the hardcore style properly is to use it as "seasoning" instead of a "condiment". Just as people use condiments such as ketchup to cover up the taste of a food, many promotions have used the hardcore style to cover up the poor skill of the wrestlers on their roster. At Hardcore Justice 2, TNA used the hardcore style as a seasoning, adding the exciting element of hardcore wrestling to matches featuring skilled wrestlers. None of the talents needed to wrestle the hardcore style in order to present an entertaining match, but the hardcore style indeed did add to the matches in a positive way. It reminded me of how BJW utilizes the hardcore style.

The next edition of One Night Only will be 10 Reunion, which will premiere on August 2, 2013 and will feature talent from the early years of TNA. In a move that some may consider too nostalgic, the six-sided ring makes a return for this event. I personally never liked the six-sided ring. Although it has its place in Mexico because AAA uses a six-sided ring (they are the face of lucha libre and therefore have the right to set standards there), the six-sided ring doesn't fit in the United States. The four-sided ring is traditional in the United States and has been used by every major promotion that was created before TNA. It gives TNA a more professional appearance. At the same time however, I do understand TNA's reason for bringing back the six-sided ring for 10 Reunion. The event pays tribute to TNA's past, and the use of the six-sided ring further shows proof that TNA values its past. I do think that in business, the most beneficial way to make progress is to let go of the past (to an extent) and focus on creating a brighter future, but I'm aware that not everyone feels comfortable with growing a company in that specific fashion.

Check out IMPACTWRESTLING.COM to stay updated regarding upcoming One Night Only events, as well as to see photos from previous editions.

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