Q: Why did you enter the pro-wrestling industry?
A: Because I love the sport and have been a fan since I was six.
Q: What was the best part about working for GLOW?
A: The friendships with all the ladies working with all these amazing strong intelligent empowered women.
Q: Which do you feel was your best match in GLOW?
A: My last match Daisy vs Zelda.
Q: Which was your favorite match in GLOW?
A: I loved all of them it is a great feeling entertaining the fans and doing something I love is a bonus.
Q: Since your time with GLOW, you have been involved in the independent scene. Did you gain the most valuable experience while you were in GLOW, or have you learned the most during the post-GLOW period of your career?
A: A bit of both.... I learned first by being a fan and yes I analyzed the matches, promos, and of my favorite wrestlers, I learned more from working with the ladies in GLOW and I learn every card I do in VCW from all the great talent they have heart talent and ability and are a valuable source of information.
Q: What is your opinion of the current state of the independent wrestling scene in general?
A: I think there are a lot of great independents and there is a lot of heart passion and talent in the independents that I find lacking in some of the larger promotions today.
Q: Throughout the years, many female wrestling promotions have come and gone, but none of them made an impact like GLOW did. To this day, GLOW remains the all-time favorite of many women's wrestling fans. In your opinion, what was it about GLOW that has made it stand out from other female wrestling promotions?
A: It was something that had never been done before, it was innovative fresh bold edgy and had the pulse of what was going on in the 80's at the time the characters were diverse and over the top it was campy and fun and the women had real talent and some were amazing athletes, it wasn't the same old same old and the women were from all different walks of life and all shapes colors ethnicity and sizes no cookie cutter barbie model types.
Q: Were you a wrestling fan before you were involved with GLOW?
A: Yes I was I was an avid fan of NWA Mid-Atlantic, Georgia, Florida, Texas, wrestling whatever I could watch here in VA then when I moved to NYC the WWF during the best days the 80's.
Q: Comparing the view of female wrestling during the existence of GLOW to the view of female wrestling in the year 2013, do you feel that female wrestling is more respected? Also, do you feel that the quality of female wrestling has improved?
A: I think it has gotten a bit more respect than it had back in the day, women are just as capable and talented and if properly trained can wrestle and do as well as the men, as far as the quality..... I am old school so I don't care for all the posing and cookie cutter model types, I think diversity in characters is best.
Q: Currently, former GLOW director Matt Cimber is working on a new female wrestling promotion named Femme d’Action. Do you see it having a bright future?
A: Yes the new Femmes are amazing and I am proud to be a part of it and see only great things for it when it takes off, what GLOW did for women's wrestling Femme is going to rock the new generations and embody Female strength wisdom and persevering over any adversity, it is a show for today.
Q: Who is your favorite wrestler?
A: Roddy Piper.
Q: What did you like the most about being a pro-wrestler?
A: The camaraderie the brotherhood and sisterhood and of course the fans without them I wouldn't be where I am today.
Q: Who would you have liked to wrestle, that you did not?
A: I would have loved to wrestle Zelda we were a good match in size and ability and I loved working with her.
Q: Along with your current involvement in the pro-wrestling industry, you also work for the State of Virginia. Do you have any interest in working in the pro-wrestling industry full-time, or are you satisfied with your current extent of involvement?
A: Well of course I would love to be able to do what I love full-time but I am realistic and the best advice I can give is have a fall-back career, it don't last forever injuries happen fan bases change be prepared have a backup. I am enjoying what I do and due to some physical limitations I am content not being in the ring the physical toll on the body can be brutal, and LOL I am not 20 something any more.
Q: What is your long-term goal?
A: Hopefully to continue with VCW and if Femm D Action takes off to continue being a part of it and to keep close to my GLOW and wrestling family and maybe a guest spot on one or all of my fave TV shows like, "Supernatural", "Grimm", "Once Upon a Time", or "True Blood".

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